
Network Peering Network Peering

Network Peering


PEG TECH Network Interconnection

Policy and Requirements

Peering Operations Contact: [email protected]
Peering Policy Contact: [email protected]
PEG Tech is a global Internet Service Provider (ISP) with POP (point of presence) location in Equinix San Jose / Bay Area Exchange and Any2 Exchange Northern California . PEG peers with other Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Content Networks with IPv4 connectivity on Autonomous System (AS) 54600 for the purpose of exchanging traffic between these networks.

Selective Peering Policy

PEG Tech has a selective but generally open peering policy - peers are selected based upon performance, capability, and where traffic needs to be delivered. Peers are subject to certain operational, technical, and legal requirements.

Operational Requirements

To maintain optimum service levels for our customers and their clientele, peers shall meet the following set of requirements:
  • Exchange traffic with PEG at all available IXPs that are shared in common for optimal traffic distribution and redundancy.
  • Maintain congestion free interconnection with PEG Tech. PEG and peers must work quickly and diligently to augment capacity between networks or to the relevant IXP, as needed.
  • Must maintain a Network Operations Center capable of responding operational problems and security incidents 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
  • Be responsive to activities considered malicious and/or detrimental to the Internet as a whole, its own network, and to its customers, including but not limited to, sending unsolicited bulk email, hacking, and denial of service. PEG expects peers to provide a qualified engineer to help trace and mitigate attacks in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Provide an escalation path for resolving operational problems and/or security incidents in a timely fashion. Meet all requirements at the time the peering request is made, and must continue to be met for the duration of the peering session

Technical Requirements

The following technical requirements also apply to peering with PEG Tech. Peers must:

Important Notices

To ensure quality of operations, PEG Tech reserves the following rights under its Peering Policy and Requirements: Additionally:

General Peering Information

ASN AS54600
Peening Information http://www.peeningdb.com/net/14787
Peening Policy Selective

General Peering Information

Peening Policy Contact [email protected]
Peening Operations Contact [email protected]
Peening DB http://www.peeningdb.com/net/14787
Postal Address PEG Tech
55 South Market Street,Suite 320
San Jose,CA 95113